This weekend I was in Philly to see the Tutankhamen exhibit at the Franklin Institute Science Museum. My mom saw this exhibit when it toured the USA back in the...
Between May 15 and May 21 members of the USA congress were challenged to eat only what they could afford on about $3 a day which is the average food...
A recent file for copyright of Birkam yoga has attracted new attention to the Indian government’s efforts to safeguard their traditional knowledge. The Indian government has put a group together...
30 Days of Sustainability is a project around Vancouver, Canada where citizens, corporations, government and the society at large are engaging in activities that affirm an environmentally sustainable lifestyle. They...
In 1870 Julia Ward Howe wrote the “Mother’s Day Proclamation” as a call to our senses of the absurdity of war. At the time she was reflecting on the brutality...
Now when pollution and global warming seem to be an accepted concern, people around the world are trying to come up with new option for running their cars (instead of...
Yesterday I attended a fascinating lecture on eIFL which is an independent consortium for library consortia. Basically what it does is help libraries in the developing world access online journals...
A Semacode is a machine-readable, Data Matrix symbol which encodes URLs; basically it’s a barcode for web locations. The idea is to create one of these labels which looks like...
Today, Michael Pollan (author of “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” and “The Botany of Desire”) had a fascinating article in the New York Times Magazine about how the agribusiness is who determines...
Mexico seems to be paving the way for social reforms in Latin America. In January the country legalized same sex civil unions, and today they have legalized abortion in the...